
Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses.

1. Yesterday I (revise)  all my English lessons.
2. My brother (not / brush)  his shoes this morning.
3. (he / open)  the doors this afternoon ?
4. (she / stop)  near your house yesterday ?
5. I (not / like)  school very much three years ago.
6. Why (you / wash)  your jeans on Monday ?
7. Mark (not / listen)  to me !
8. My father (park)  the car outside 15 minutes ago.
9. Why (you / jump)  over that branch ?
10. It (not / snow)  last year.
11. (it / snow)  two years ago ?
12. Where (they / live)  in September ? 

Choose the correct form of be (amareis).

Toggle example
1) I  a girl.
2) My father  at work.
3) Trixi and Susi  my cats.
4) The hamster  in the cage.
5) I  a painter.
6) My green pencil  on the floor.
7) Emma and Betty  good friends.
8)  you from Scotland?
9) His sister  seven years old.
10) We  children.

Complete the following sentences by using the right form of to do (dodon'tdoesdoesn't).

Toggle example
1) My mother likes chocolate, but she  like biscuits.
2) What  the children wear at your school?
3) Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he  watch judo.
4) Where  the Masons buy their fruit?
5)  the cat like to sleep on the sofa?
6) Dogs love bones, but they  love cheese.
7) Where  Sam and Ben hide their CDs?
8) We eat pizza, but we  eat hamburgers.
9)  Mrs Miller read magazines?
10)  the boys play cricket outside?

Complete the following sentences by using the right form of to have (havehashad).

Toggle example
1) Jack  fun at the party last Saturday.
2) I'm sorry, but I  to go now.
3)  you ever been to Canada?
4) Dave  passed his driving test.
5) Can we  the bill, please?
6) The match  already started when we arrived.
7) They  breakfast at 6:30 this morning.
8) Do you  a brother?
9) My boss never  time.
10) Doris  been waiting for Pam for 20 minutes now.

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