Sunday 23 June 2013

How to master English effectively

Hello everyone ..Today I would like to share 6 ways to master English effectively. 

1) Listen to Englis
  Try to listen to as much English as you can. For example news reports. They are useful because the newsreaders speak slowly and clearly.

2) Get an English - speaking conversation buddy.
    Practicing your English with an English speaker. You will fell comfortable with them and able to hear the rhythm of native English speaker's language. You will improve your own pronunciation and pick up new vocab too.

3) Watch English language films and television.
    A great way to immerse yourself in English is to watch a film or television programme. Keep a pen and pencil and make  a note of any new words you learn.

4) Test yourself.
 There are many sites online where you can test your vocabulary or grammar. Practice makes perfect.

5) Read English.
    It really does not matter what you read , but try to do it regularly. You may prefer to read a newspaper or download the lyrics to your favourite songs. You also prefer to browse the internet for articles that interest you.

6) Make mistakes.
    Fear s the biggest obstacle you have to face when learning a language. If you make a mistake , people  tend to correct you gently and eventually they have to correct you less and less. Mistake are how we learn so write things down as you learn from your mistakes.

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