Saturday 25 May 2013

Grammar notes

Irregular verbs

beat - beat - beaten
become - became - become
begin - began - begun
bend - bent - bent
bite - bit - bitten
blow - blew - blown
break - broke - broken
bring - brought - brought
build - built - built
burst - burst - burst
buy - bought - bought
catch - caught - caught
choose - chose - chosen
come - came - come
cost - cost - cost
cut - cut - cut
dig - dug - dug
do - did - done
draw - drew - drawn
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
eat - ate - eaten
fall - fell - fallen
feed - fed - fed
feel - felt - felt
fight - fought - fought
find - found - found
fly - flew - flown
forget - forgot - forgotten
freeze - froze - frozen
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
grow - grew - grown
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
hide - hid - hidden
hit - hit - hit
hold - held - held
hurt - hurt - hurt
keep - kept - kept
know - knew - known
lead - led - led
leave - left - left
let - let - let
light - lit - lit 
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made 
mean - meant - meant
meet - met - met 
pay - paid - paid
put - put - put 
read - read - read
ride - rode - ridden 
ring - rang - rung
rise - rose - risen 
run - ran - run
say - said - said 
see - saw - seen
sell - sold - sold 
send - sent - sent
shake - shook - shaken 
shine - shone - shone
shoot - shot - shot 
shut - shut - shut
sing - sang - sung 
sink - sank - sunk
sit - sat - sat 
sleep - slept - slept
speak - spoke - spoken 
spread - spread - spread
stand - stood - stood 
steal - stole - stolen
stick - stuck - stuck 
strike - struck - struck
sweep - swept - swept 
swim - swam - swum
take - took - taken 
teach - taught - taught
tear - tore - torn 
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought 
throw - threw - thrown
wake - woke - woken 
wear - wore - worn
win - won - won 
write - wrote - written

Frankfurt International School: Art and artists. (Click to see at full size.)

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
Bertrand Russell

Grammar notes

To Be - Present Tense

To Be - Affirmative

SubjectTo BeExamples
Iamam from New Zealand.
YouareYou are Chilean.
HeisHe is twenty years old.
SheisShe is a nurse.
ItisIt is a big dog.
WeareWe are intelligent.
YouareYou are students.
TheyareThey are married.

To Be - Contractions

Contractions of To Be are very frequent when we are speaking.
To BeContractionExamples
I amI'mI'm from New Zealand.
You areYou'reYou're Chilean.
He isHe'sHe's twenty years old.
She isShe'sShe's a nurse.
It isIt'sIt's a big dog.
We areWe'reWe're intelligent.
You areYou'reYou're students.
They areThey'reThey're married.

To Be - Negative Sentences

The negative of To Be can be made by adding not after the verb.
SubjectTo BeExamples
Iam notam not from Spain.
Youare notYou are not Australian.
Heis notHe is not thirty years old.
Sheis notShe is not a secretary.
Itis notIt is not a small cat.
Weare notWe are not stupid.
Youare notYou are not teachers.
Theyare notThey are not single.

To Be - Negative Contractions

There are two ways of forming contractions of To Be in negative sentences. One is with a contraction of the subject and the verb (e.g. I am = I'm) OR a contraction of the verb and not (e.g. are not = aren't)
I'm not from Spain.-----------------*
You're not Australian.ORYou aren't Australian.
He's not thirty years old.ORHe isn't thirty years old.
She's not a secretary.ORShe isn't a secretary.
It's not a small cat.ORIt isn't a small cat.
We're not stupid.ORWe aren't stupid.
You're not teachers.ORYou aren't teachers.
They're not single.ORThey aren't single.
* Notice that the only possible contraction for I am not is I'm not.

To Be - Questions

To create questions with To Be, you put the Verb before the Subject.

I am intelligent.Am I intelligent?
You are a student.Are you a student?
He is a pilot.Is he a pilot?
She is from Spain.Is she from Spain?
It is a big house.Is it a big house?
We are ready.Are we ready?
You are doctors.Are you doctors?
They are rich.Are they rich?

To Be - Short Answers

In spoken English, we usually give short answers in response to questions.
Are you a student? - Yes, I am (a student). The last part (a student) is not necessary. We use shorts answers to avoid repetition, when the meaning is clear.
QuestionShort Answers**Short Answers
Am I intelligent?Yes, you are.No, you aren't.
Are you a student?Yes, I am.No, I am not.
Is he a pilot?Yes, he is.No, he isn't.
Is she from Spain?Yes, she is.No, she isn't.
Is it a big house?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.
Are we ready?Yes, we are.No, we aren't.
Are you doctors?Yes, we are.No, we aren't.
Are they rich?Yes, they are.No, they aren't.
** With To Be, We don't use contractions in affirmative short answers unless there is additional information after it (in which case they are no longer considered short answers).

More english songs!!

come on kids! listen to my story...

Benefits of Storytelling

Telling stories to young children helps develop:
  • Imagination – the ability to think creatively.
  • Visualization skills – a mental skill needed to improve creative performance through concentration and improve confidence by decreasing nervous or anxious emotions.
  • Listening skills – involves hearing what is said, understanding what is said and judging if the information makes sense
  • Memory skill – the ability to recall information accurately.
  • Confident use of the voice – Verbally expressing oneself without showing fear.
  • Interpretive skills – the ability to read between the lines or understand language.
  • Physical skills – the ability to use parts of the body.
  • Literary skills – expressing one’s thoughts in written form.

twinkle twinkle little star

Twinkle twinkle little star
how I wonder what you are
up above the sky so high
like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star
how I wonder what you are 

let's sing together kids!!

# There are many advantages of English song for kids nowadays. Young children have more time to learn through play - like activities and fit English into their daily programmed . So , lets sing!

Monday 20 May 2013

Oh My! English

Let's speak better English! Don't miss Oh! My English .. A new fun learning sitcom on Astro TVIQ .